‘Miss Millie’s Groom’ Free on Smashwords

‘Miss Millie’s Groom’ book cover

My World War One romance, ‘Miss Millie’s Groom,’ is newly-published on Smashwords and is currently free from the site and from its retailers:





I am delighted that the book recently received its first rating on Barnes & Noble and it’s 5 stars!  Here’s an extract from the review of the book that appeared on the Romantic Historical Reviews website in November 2016:

“Millicent is vivacious, endearing and determined. I truly enjoyed her character a great deal from the first page to the last. She reminded me of Sybil from Downton Abbey; in fact, this novel has other overtones from that drama.”

Smashwords’ Read an Ebook Week Promo

Several of my books are enrolled in Smashwords’ ‘Read an Ebook Week’ Promo, which runs until 11th March. Any of my books with a regular price over $0.99 are discounted for the week; if you click on the book, you will see a discount code on the book’s page:
